Midco Sports Affiliates


My Account

How to Submit Midco Sports Monthly Subscriber Counts

As part of your contract, we require three subscriber (sub) counts to be submitted online by the 15th of each month.

  1. Log in to My Account.
  2. Enter all subscriber counts for any current and outstanding months.
    • Total Basic Tier: Total number of subscribers with tier or level of video programming service that all subscribers are required to purchase as a precondition to receiving any other level of programming service. Or, the number of subscribers with the tier or level of video programming service with the highest subscriber penetration level.
    • Total Beginning: Total number of Service and Basic Tier subscribers, including the total number of Residential Subscribers, Commercial Subscribers and Bulk-Rate Subscribers, at the beginning of the month
    • Total End: Total number of Service and Basic Tier subscribers, including the total number of Residential Subscribers, Commercial Subscribers and Bulk-Rate Subscribers, at the end of the month
  3. Click Submit All and then Yes, Submit.
    • You will receive an on-screen confirmation upon successful submission.

If you make any mistakes after submitting, they cannot be edited online. Please contact us to adjust.

How to Get Sub Count Reminders & E-Statements

Midco will send you an email reminder monthly when your sub counts are due. You can also reduce the hassle that comes with paper billing when you sign up for e-statements.

  1. Log in to My Account.
  2. Click Account and User Details, and go to the Account Contact Preferences area. Click Edit Preferences.
  3. Review your email address to ensure it is correct.
  4. Make sure to select the boxes for Required Notifications and Billing/Account Notifications. Click Save.

How to Pay Affiliate Monthly Statements

We encourage you to sign up for auto-pay so you never have to worry about missing a payment. Visit our billing and payment section for details.

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Want to talk things through? We’re here with technical support 24/7.
