
Gridmetrics Partnership: The Future is Bright

Aug 30, 2023 | 3 min read

Tags: Internet Data Center


Midco has partnered with Gridmetrics as a data supplier and innovation driver. Gridmetrics, a subsidiary of CableLabs, is an organization that works to measure, monitor and track the availability and stability of the distribution portion of the power grid. 

Gridmetrics provides independent, comprehensive insights into actual power conditions across the U.S. in near real-time. This is essential for detecting and restoring power efficiently and effectively. 

An idea, born. 

Data is power. Before Gridmetrics, there was no way to independently monitor the entire power grid or detect the cause and location of an outage. Broadband providers, however, have always been aware of power outages – and know when, where and why they occur before customers and utility companies. 

From this fact, an idea to leverage existing broadband infrastructure to create a comprehensive overview of power activity across the U.S. (or Gridmetrics) was born. 

Leading the way. 

“We were the first to go online with the Gridmetrics platform,” said Midco Chief Technology Information Officer Jon Pederson. “Our involvement was used to influence other cable companies to also participate, such that together we now cover about 50% of populated areas in the U.S.” 

Pederson, who spearheaded Midco’s involvement, was featured in a video on the Gridmetrics website. He explains how this partnership with broadband providers enables a higher level of control and monitoring of the power grid than previously available – without requiring power grid updates. 

Innovating the future. 

Pederson shares some additional insights into Gridmetrics: 

To properly monitor and manage our network, each power supply has a special power sensor and battery monitor installed and maintained by our field staff. These are the larger green boxes you see while driving down the street. There are over 4,000 throughout our footprint. 

The sensors constantly send data back to our Network Operations Center (NOC), alerting them in the event of a power outage or restoration. To participate in Gridmetrics, we send an anonymized version of that data. It’s combined with others and correlated to additional map data, such as the location of health care facilities. Historical information is also retained so the impact of a fire and the resulting response can be replayed, for example. 

Advanced sensors – currently being field tested by another cable company – provide extraordinarily detailed information, including electrical waveform and climate and seismic data, all for less than $100 per sensor. 

A smart power grid opens all sorts of possibilities for the future, and it wouldn’t have been possible without innovative thinking and shared data and infrastructure from broadband providers like Midco. 

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