Property Manager Support

Whether you’re new to Community Wi-Fi or just doublechecking instructions, welcome! We want the set up and support of your Community Wi-Fi services to be as user-friendly as possible. 

You’ll use the Uprise Portal to self-manage the tenant move-in and move-out process and provide troubleshooting for a seamless experience for tenants or visitors. You can also use the portal to set up and maintain your community and property Wi-Fi networks.  


Managing Tenants

Setting Up and Managing Property Wi-Fi Networks 

In Uprise, there are two different types of property networks: 

The property private network provides Wi-Fi coverage for back-office systems (cameras, servers, printers, employee devices, etc.). This is set up by Midco.  

The community network provides internet access to residents and visitors in common areas, such as the garage, hallways, gym, lobby, etc. The community network does not require a password to access the network. Still, it redirects users to a captive portal where they can choose a login method according to the options previously set by you. 

Setting Up and Managing Units 

A unit is the name used to designate a Residence (apartment, townhome) or Business (shop, office) within the property or MDU. Usually, creating a unit is part of the onboarding flow, but it can also be managed later from the Uprise Portal as needed. 

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Want to talk things through? We’re here with technical support 24/7.
