Call Availability and Do Not Disturb Support

Get support for the call availability and do not disturb features.

Business Call Manager

Note: This feature is available if your business and account phone have Business Call Manager activated.

Your default status is Available for Calls. When you’re in the available state, calls will ring through or be routed or blocked based on your incoming call settings on the Home dashboard.

To set your number to Do Not Disturb status:

  1. On the Home dashboard under Phone Status, click the Available for Calls button that contains your number.
  2. In the dropdown, select Do Not Disturb.

Any incoming calls will be directed to voicemail – unless you have priority calls set up. Callers matching your Priority Callers list will be directed based on the settings enabled before you turned on Do Not Disturb.

To deactivate Do Not Disturb:

  1. On the Home dashboard under Phone Status, click the Do Not Disturb.
  2. In the dropdown, select Available for Calls.

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