Community Internet

Welcome to Midco’s Community Internet – where every connection counts.

Are you a property manager looking to give your community blazing-fast, reliable internet without the usual headaches? Meet Midco’s Community Internet, your all-in-one solution for keeping everyone connected, happy and online without delays.

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Community Wi-Fi 360

Property owners, rejoice – Midco’s Community Wi-Fi 360 turns the vision of ultra-connected living into a reality for your residents, setting your community apart from the competition.

Community Wi-Fi 360

Wi-Fi Now

Midco's Wi-Fi Now  revolutionizes resident connectivity by delivering immediate, top-grade internet service from move-in, enhancing satisfaction and operational efficiency without the wait for installation.

Wi-Fi Now

Why choose Midco’s Community Internet?

With Midco’s Community Internet, internet woes are a thing of the past. Our managed internet service is designed to provide seamless, high-speed internet access to entire communities – whether it’s an apartment complex, student housing or other multi-dwelling unit (MDU).

A connection that feels like home.

We created our Community Internet service to make everyone feel right at home, with speeds that zip and reliability that never wavers. Here are the benefits of choosing Midco:

  • Tailored plans for every community: Big or small – we’ve got the perfect plan to match your MDU’s unique needs.
  • Hassle-free setup and maintenance: Say goodbye to complicated setups and maintenance nightmares. Our team of experts will handle everything from installation to support.
  • Unrivaled reliability: With Midco’s robust network, your property enjoys consistent, high-speed internet access 24/7. Because we know that the only thing worse than a slow internet connection is no internet connection.
  • Simplified billing: One community, one bill. We streamline the process, so managing your community’s internet service is simple.

Benefits that go beyond connectivity.

Boost your property value.

Elevate your community’s appeal and boost its value with top-tier internet service. It’s not just an amenity – it’s a necessity for modern living.

Keep your residents smiling. 

Happy residents are loyal residents. Give them the gift of uninterrupted, high-speed internet and watch your community flourish.

Empower their work and education.

With reliable internet, your MDU becomes a powerhouse for remote learning and work. Help your residents achieve their dreams, right from the comfort of their homes.

Your Midco Community Internet installation journey.

Step 1: Gathering the details

Before we begin installation, we’ll work with you to understand the details of your property, including the layout and unique needs of your community. 

Step 2: Performing the installation.

With all the details in hand, it's time to pick a date for installation. On installation day, we'll be swift and efficient to get things up and running quickly. We aim to mount our modems in the main living spaces of each unit, ensuring they're both out of the way and optimally placed.

Step 3: Implementation and ongoing support.

Next, it's time to light up your community with fast, reliable internet. But our partnership doesn't end there. As part of your service, you'll receive our Property Manager Marketing Kit, as well as access to our dedicated Properties support line.  

Let’s connect your community.

Contact us today, and let’s chat about how Midco’s Community Internet can transform your property. Our friendly team is excited to partner with you and bring our exceptional service to your residents. If you’re ready to elevate your community’s internet experience, we’re here to make it happen.

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