
Defining Network Security and How to Get It

Oct 30, 2020 | 4 min read

Tags: Networking


In today’s world, network security is always top of mind. We’re accessing data, files and all of our devices, all the time – it’s the IoT (internet-of-things) world we live in. As an IT professional (or not), this can be scary when network threats are lurking just around every corner. It makes you want to just lock it all down.

But, you can’t.

You can, however, take precautionary steps to protect your organization by working closely with network security experts as your needs continue to grow and change. That way, when Jim from accounting is working remotely from Arizona for the month of February, you can feel confident that he can access the work-sensitive documents and drives, without compromising your carefully crafted technical infrastructure.

What is network security?

In short, it’s your defense against bad people trying to access your sensitive data. It can range from the security tools, tactics and policies you and your internet provider use – to the security protocols you implement at your facility.

First things first: network technology can fail.

Technology can be unreliable. There, I said it. Just like your phone can break accidentally, an MPLS network can be compromised due to elements out of anyone’s control. A tornado, a car accident, someone not calling before they dig – we’ve seen it all. We try to protect it the best we can, but there are certain things that just can’t be controlled. Let’s focus on what can be done.

Controlling Your Network

What if I told you that there are tools out there that allow you to monitor and control your MPLS network from one easy place? It does exist – we provide it to our dedicated fiber customers – and it allows you to:

  • Control specific lines
  • View outages in real-time
  • Monitor network traffic
  • Identify vulnerabilities

Having a pulse on your network footprint can help you identify when something isn’t right, whether that’s an unusual amount of traffic or an underperforming node. We can provide an in-depth view because our network is 100% wholly-owned by Midco – meaning we don't lease our core fiber lines from other providers. Plus, it's fully-maintained by our team of engineers, which helps us control our network, which in turn helps our customers control theirs. 

An Inside Look: Midco’s Network Operations Center

Ever wondered who’s making sure your internet just works? Take an inside look at how Midco’s Network Operations team monitors and optimizes our internet and networking services.

More Insights

Protecting Your Network

The premise of network security is protection. There are many, many ways to protect your network – including virtual private networks (VPNs), firewalls and antivirus software. These are very important layers, and we are not discounting them. However, we find that there’s often a missing link when it comes to protection, and it has to do with where your equipment is stored.

If, in your head, you just said, “It’s in the closet down the hall by the coffee machine,” you might not be doing your network security justice. At the end of the day, if the system that’s powering your VPN, firewall and antivirus software fails because Jim from accounting knocks over the coffee machine and fries your servers, it’s not good for your network security.

Physically protecting equipment in a data center will help you sleep better at night, knowing that you’re protected from both a network and facilities standpoint.

Enhancing Your Network Security

Imagine you’re the new IT person at a regional manufacturing firm with six small locations throughout a few states and one main office hub. Currently, each location is using its own wireline internet, and they’re managing each connection separately, instead of holistically. This setup isn’t as cost-effective as it could be – it’s making room for intruders. It’s you and one other person in IT. What do you do?

This situation isn’t as unique or daunting as it may seem. Technology is great, but enhancing your network protection is often about the people you trust to actually do the work. Through a partnership with a dedicated provider, you can turn your team of two into a team of 10 – and get unlimited help from network engineers who can ultimately help you diagram and implement complex solutions.


Secure security. Seriously.

Are you wondering if your network is meeting your security requirements? Sit down with a Midco Account Executive for a free, no-obligation consultation to discover what you could be doing to better protect your company, employees and customers.